When preparing for a move, packing room by room usually leads to an easier unpacking process. However, many people save the worst room for last – the home office with its tangle of wires and stacks of paper. At Manchester Moving, we want you to have the easiest packing experience possible, which is why we’ve put together 5 tips on how to pack your home office in as little time as possible.
1. De-clutter
As with every room in your home, make a pile of things you no longer want or need. Don’t just empty a drawer into a box with the intention of going through it while unpacking. Instead, make a point of clearing away clutter, making your moving and unpacking process easier and lighter.
2. Organize
A home office is probably the one area of the house that needs to most organizational help. When going through your papers and belongings, identify places where you may need extra file folders or labels. Make a note for yourself and then get organized. It will make setting up your new home much easier.
3. Plan Ahead
If you have large furniture such as a desk or filing system, take measurements and know exactly where the furniture is going to fit in your new home. You will have firm knowledge of what furniture can move with you, and what may need to be disassembled or stay behind.
4. Stay Connected
If it’s important to you and your business to have Internet immediately upon moving, make sure to contact you Internet and cable provider before moving so they can install the services the day you move in.
5. Plan Accordingly
If you know it’s going to take you days to pack your office, don’t start the night before the movers are supposed to show up. You will really want to take your time with your office so you don’t move into your new home totally unorganized and stressed out.
For more tips on moving, check our blog weekly, or take a look at some of our past articles. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!